Hye-hye....so all the provok said that rusty using using v8 or jz or 26 or 25 was a fairytale...only the rb20 aka a thrash engine...ahhahaa...so we wait until this thrash to blown...will be contd...:wink:
Since too lazy to update this blog...I think this blog also getting rust...ehhehe...so here the teaser that not so tease for all of u...it quite a while pictures since now the engine was already inside the bon-bon and in progress of wiring...
Sunday 30/1/2011, since almost 2 years I didn't join a so call "breakfast drive" to genting area, so this time I decided to join skyline group although my rusty still sick at the jep bukit's workshop. Here some pictures...sorry for the poor picture...Unfortunately, some of them cannot make it until goh tong jaya since got 1 car had an incident...maybe for the next time we will organise again...this time definitely with my "rusty"...
Wow!!didn't realize that now was already November and I still didn't update my progress...Until now no set date for my rusty to be on the road for the action....Sorry guys and sorry to myself as well..Hopefully before end of the year the car will done the paintjob...The most slower "pain"tjob that I ever notice...Haih!!Hopefully outcome will be brilliant...Adios...
after a while just kept my rusty inside the paint shop since had no ideas to coat him what color, at last with help of my collection shoes, i got an inspiration to choose the color...yay!!!